
Fallout new vegas npc quotes
Fallout new vegas npc quotes

fallout new vegas npc quotes

What things can I edit without making a mess of things? If it's easier for you, tell me what I can't edit.

fallout new vegas npc quotes

Would the originals of the duplicates, or the originals themselves, break from the editing?.What if I duplicated a vanilla companion like Cass or Veronica and edited the bejesus out of them?.jsp, or just one?ģ.) Will duplicating a "unique" or named NPC, like Doc Mitchell, and then editing the duplicate cause problems? When doing an edit that uses a mod, do I have to load in the.If it will cause problems, what will they be?Ģ.) I plan on using a person who's not actually a vanilla companion, so I'll be using JIP Companion Control & Command to recruit them, so would I have to load that into the GECK as well?.I'm simple.)ġ.) Can I duplicate an NPC, then change their voice track and appearance without causing problems?

fallout new vegas npc quotes

Not required, but at least specify which one answers which. (I'll be formatting it so that you can copy/quote the questions and write the answers under them, and post that way. I also have some questions about things in this topic as well:

Fallout new vegas npc quotes